Aqueous Digital

This is a good question. There comes a point where it is can be better to hire in house, but in our experience that only happens when your annual spend on SEO exceeds £70,000 (excluding outreach and ad spend).

Using a third party agency brings huge advantages, such as a whole team of specialists with up-to-date knowledge of digital marketing and the latest trends and advances in search technology, rather than one person trying to keep up with it all. Also, one person in house gets calling into meetings, can go off sick and requires at least a month off every year.

With Aqueous you get a team, not a person. You get experience across a range of sectors, not just your sector and as we invest in training and development, you get better people, delivering more value, more often to your business.

As well as removing the risks of recruiting the right person, we’re also likely to be far cheaper than hiring in-house and most importantly we are an agency you can trust.  Trust Loyalty and Collaboration (TLC) are at the heart of our operations and we place the success of our customers at the forefront of everything we do.