Aqueous Digital

Link Building &

Backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors in search,
they are votes of confidence and trustworthiness.

Get your website well-connected and boost your search rankings.

How do backlinks affect a website’s ranking?

Backlinking can tremendously improve your website’s visibility with search engines and increase your site’s traffic and brand awareness.

The impact of being well-connected comes down to many different factors. These include the quality and relevance of the links, as well as the number of unique links leading to your website. In essence, backlinking can dramatically influence a site’s online ranking. This makes it important to carefully plan your link acquisition and outreach campaigns as part of your overall SEO strategy.

Can backlinking alone help me rank my website?

Absolutely not.

Due to its influence, many make the wrong assumption that backlinking alone will be sufficient for their SEO strategy. However, this is not the case. You won’t rank if your content is worthless.

A website’s outreach strategy and campaign strategy both work concurrently. A website owner must produce original and helpful content on a regular basis, whilst their backlinking should loosely follow the trends of the content being produced that month.

In terms of ranking for keywords, a site owner shouldn’t see this as a stand alone, one off job. It needs to be as part of a wider strategy including relevant content discussing issues around the keywords for which you want to rank.

How can I obtain backlinks for my website?

There are a variety of ways a company can secure links for their website. Here are a few of the most common methods:

Guest Blogs and Collaborations

Bloggers are a fantastic way to increase your outreach profile quickly. Not just for backlinking, but also for creating brand awareness. By publishing articles on other popular websites, you will get your brand and content in front of new readers and consequently get more exposure.

When it comes to working with bloggers, it’s important to note that it’s not just about increasing your backlink profile, it’s also about enhancing your online reputation and reach.

Campaign-based link building

Often the best way to get bloggers and site owners involved is to run a time-limited campaign. The benefits of doing this mean that you can develop your outreach as the content on your own website progresses.

The best advice we can give when it comes to working with bloggers is to get creative, consider collaborations that benefit both parties and try to ensure your campaign fits with the niche of the blog itself.

Social Media

Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are great tools for increasing your social activity signal backlink score – not entirely sure what this is? Never heard of it? – worth reading this. Whilst this does not provide direct backlinks, and Google is clear that they don’t use social media popularity to decide search engine rankings, it does help to increase traffic to your website.

Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are great tools for increasing your social activity and whilst this does not provide direct backlinks, and Google is clear that they don’t use social media popularity to decide search engine rankings, it does help to increase traffic to your website.

So, what should you do on social to send the right signals?

• Share links daily
• Share company posts to relevant groups where applicable
• Encourage staff to share blog posts on LinkedIn

Previously, many offshore SEO firms used a lot of ‘social bookmarking’ to create backlinks for websites, but this strategy was demonstrably ineffective and as such, is not a recommended strategy.

The advantage of using social media for your backlink strategy is that it allows you to reach a relevant audience quite quickly and, if you are saying something of worth, people might take the action you want, either a follow, like or a purchase, or they may even link back to you.

As an example, if you publish a great blog about something relevant to your business, and share it on the social platforms, people may click into it and read it. If one of them, a website owner, likes what you have written they may choose to reference you by including a link in their next blog. Make it an astonishing piece of content and lots of people are likely to reference you. Or even buy what you are selling.

On this basis, social media is useful for link building as a method of amplification. After all there’s no point writing the most astonishing content, if no one finds out about it….

Call us on 0800 285 1424 or email us at to have a chat about what we can do for your business.​