Aqueous Digital

Will we need websites by 2030?

The first website launched way back in August 1991 and since then, websites have been a huge contribution to conversions for businesses. But with consistent advancements in how we use the internet, will we really need websites by 2030?

Take social media for example, many platforms allow you to create pages for your business to inform and connect with your target audience. You can even list the products and services you provide with the added benefit of engagement with your customers.

Many small businesses even use social media platforms to conduct their business, taking orders and payments without the need for a website.

Now, with more and more users engaging with social media through mobile devices, it is likely that users will be browsing through an app created for the social platform. Therefore, if social media continues to grow, it could be possible that customers turn to social business profiles through apps instead of websites in the future.

It is also anticipated that in the future, people will be exposed to more Artificial Intelligence (AI) devices such as Amazon’s Alexa. Customers can order items through Amazon, book taxi rides, compare prices and so much more all through voice-control. As AI improves in the future, this could reduce the need for websites as customers will be able to gain all the required information through an AI device and voice-control.

However, on the occasions that you do need to do a Google search, it may not be a website you need that offers the product/service/advice you require. Some services are now be provided through Google without having to access a website. For example, if you are booking flights, Google will detail entries from different airlines and their prices with options to book without accessing their website. Should this continue for other services in the future, this could make websites redundant.

It is therefore apparent that as technology is advancing, this could have an impact on how users use the internet in the future, which may result in a lesser need for websites by 2030.

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