Aqueous Digital

Why is my SEO not working?



If you’ve spent some time taking care of your website’s SEO then you probably expect it to deliver some results.

You’ve added keyword-optimised content, you’ve taken care of some of the technical aspects of your site, and ensured there’s not too much duplicate content. So why is it not working? What’s going wrong?

SEO is complex, and it’s becoming increasingly so. Search engines are always tweaking their criteria to make search results more intuitive and reflective of the real concerns of users. This means that your SEO has to be spot on if it’s to succeed.

DIY SEO, or cheap SEO from budget agencies, can be a false economy.

The latter may tell you that you need to be realistic about your SEO performance to downplay how much impact their approach will have.

While it’s important to be realistic about your strategy, it’s not unreasonable to expect results.


Lack of focus

SEO fails for a variety of reasons.

It’s not only errors and omissions in the execution of the strategy, but also a lack of focus. There’s more than one way to take care of SEO, and it’s important to identify which strategy or combination of strategies you intend to use to reach your target.

Is your customer base local or national?

Are you creating an information-led strategy where you become a trusted source of high-value content?

Perhaps you want to be a part of a strong interlinked infrastructure for your line of business, mutually supportive specialisms or local marketplace.

To create the right SEO strategy, you need to understand the landscape in which your business is operating as well as how your competitors navigate it.

How does your target audience use search engines?

Are they looking for detailed information about some aspect of your products or services or is it looking to find the details of bricks and mortar businesses in their locality?

Perhaps individuals are looking to make a stress-free purchase?

Your SEO strategy needs to make it easy for would-be customers to connect with you. To do this, you need to optimise your website to appear in results most relevant to their searches. In other words, you may be appearing at the top of search results but if it’s not resulting in extra enquiries, sales, and income, it’s likely to be because it’s the wrong set of results!


Too much SEO

A good SEO strategy should also help you refrain from overdoing your SEO.

Many people make the mistake of attempting to second guess an ever-evolving algorithm too intently, sparking suspicion from the search engines.

Too many keywords, and not enough value, in your content and you’ll be punished.


So how do you get it right?

If you’re serious about SEO, it pays to use an expert SEO service.

At Aqueous Digital, we know how to deliver real results. Our award-winning SEO and content optimisation services can transform your SEO performance.

Call us on 0800 285 1424 or email us at for a free audit of  your website and to have a chat about how we can support the success of your business.


Find out more about the SEO services we offer.


Further reading on SEO

Aqueous Digital’s Guide to the Top 501 SEO and Digital Marketing Terms

Aqueous Digital’s Ultimate Guide to the cost of SEO in the UK

How long does SEO take to work?

What is Technical SEO?

What is Local SEO?


Link building and outreach

What are the most important SEO ranking factors?



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